General Benefits of Hijama
1. It purifies the blood and enhances activity of the medulla.
2. Improves blood flow to the arteries
3. Helps to tone muscles
4.Beneficial for asthma, respiratory diseases and angina.
5. Cures headaches, migraines, toothache and boils on the face and head.
6. Helps treat conjunctivitis
7. Beneficial in arthritis and varicose veins
8. Beneficial in diseases of the uterus and menstrual problems.
9. Effective in controlling high blood pressure
10. Beneficial in shoulder pains, chest pains and backaches.
11. Effective in removing sloth and lethargy and curing insomnia.
12. Beneficial in ulcers, furuncles, pimples.
13.Beneficial for festering wounds.
14. Beneficial in cases of poisoning.
15. Beneficial in pericarditis and nephritis
16. Beneficial in allergies
17. Relieves pain anywhere on the body.
Perfectly healthy people can have hijama done because it is a Sunnah and preventative against diseases.
Diseases that have been cured by means of Hijama
1. Headaches
2. Depression
3. Shoulder aches
4. Migraine
5. Tension headaches
6. Kidney pain
7. Blood pressure
8. Dizziness
9. Tinnitus
10. Backache
11. Varicose veins
12. Pain in heels
13. Leg pains
14. Knee pains
15. Psychiatric illnesses
16. Black magic
17. Leucoderma
18. Allergies
19. If There is any pain on a specific site on the body, applying a cup to the site of pain provides instant relief